Uvod v civilno pravo


Marko Brus


Pravni posel , pogodba , veljavnost , pravica


The introduction to private law refers to all that is supposed to be common to private law. This includes the fundamental doctrines of the declaration of intention, the legal transaction, the requirements for the conclusion and validity of a legal transaction, representation, the various types of rights, legal subjects, and legal objects. In addition, the course and the script cover several subsidiary areas which need not be listed here.

The Introduction to Private Law is therefore a subject which relates to what could be dealt with in a separate book of the Private (Civil) Law Code, in its general part. There is no such thing in Slovenian law. Since neither the private law code nor the general part of the civil code exist, it was necessary to collect the material according to scientific principles, and in different laws. Most of it is in the Obligations Code and much less in other laws.

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March 24, 2023